Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service

Archive for July, 2018

24th July H.Avon

So I ended the previous blog with saying so very very lucky. Well that has deserted me today. I could only fish for a few hrs this morning and fancied a go at a swim where in the past I had seen a few barbel. Well I turned up at 8am and found 6 barbel feeding on my baits (pellets →


19th and 20th July H.Avon

My partner in crime Andy (you should have been here yesterday) and I were down on the Avon for a couple of days. The weather had gotten even hotter if that was possible. Now I’m old enough in the tooth to remember the summer of 1976 which was one of the hottest and driest on record and this summer was →


10th July and another barbel

I only had a one day session after guiding on the river Wye for 2 days more of that later. The sun had been beating down relentless for the last 3 weeks no rain and no cool weather at all. People were getting worried about the welfare of barbel on the Trent, Severn and Wye. Some fatalities were accruing where →


3rd and 4th of July a big barbel and 2x6lb chub

July the 3rd and here we were again Andy (you should have been here yesterday) Cowley starting another two day session on the H.Avon. The weather had been very hot now since the start of the season. The temperatures started to reach toward the 30’s. On the positive side the the visibility in the river improved vastly. Chub and barbel →


June 18th Hampshire Avon

This was the day England were playing in the world cup I think it was Tunisia. I had said to Andy (you should have been here yesterday) that I wanted to see the game so would leave the river early. I was still on a high from the opening day so little need to be eager. I wanted to walk →


June 17th Hampshire Avon

After a cracking June 16th and that 6lbs 15oz chub I moved to another stretch of the river. Normally there are a few chub and barbel around an island in the middle of the river. If they are not one side they are on the other side of the island. I baited a couple of swims on the way up and →


The start of the 2018 river season

Well after a rough but not shabby tench fishing season the river season was soon upon me. The weather had been warm and dry. My mate Andy (you should have been here yesterday) Cowley and partner in crime had a great tench season on the Cotswold water park. The latterly east winds had proved to be difficult though. However here we were →


My tench fishing season for 2018

I've been so far behind with my blogs people have thought I had died or was ill. Pleased to say neither. Fit and healthy and taking Mrs P on holiday does take a time. Need to say here and now that the season was a dog for me. I had been fishing in Kent for some large tench which grow to →
