Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service
Kenny's Angling Guiding Service

More perch again

After the session and catching 4 3lbplus perch you could say I was champing at the bit to get back and try again. The pond is local to me so I can fish it at a drop of a hat more often than not.

Andy (you should have been here yesterday) Cowley and I were going fish on the Friday, however weather reports had it down as a dire day cold winds and constant rain. Now I can dodge the weather and this was one of the times I fished the day before. The weather was warm and dry with a westerly breeze.

I fished another swim close to the one before and had little action to speak of. It was a pleasure to be fishing in such conditions.

I was using worm as bait with a feeder full of maggots.

There fishing away and enjoying the sun shine suddenly one rods bobbin slow and jerked towards the indicator. The strike met with a satisfying curve in the rod and the tell tell sign of a perch on the other end rattling the rod top. The perch really fight extremely hard close in and so I always slacken the clutch up a little. Sure enough the perch came into the net no problem.

It looked good and on the scales was 3lbs 2oz. So that’s another 3lber to add to my list of good perch from the water.

3lbs 2oz perch

3lbs 2oz perch

The sunlight through the fins was a great surprise to me. Stunning!

The rest of the day wandered by with some short lifts but nothing worth a strike.

I was expecting big things alas that was it for me. However 3lb perch and beautiful ones at that are worth the wait.

Andy fished it the very next day and blanked. I sent him a message which read.

“You should have been here yesterday Andy”

I have waited a very long time to say that to you Andy.

The following week I fished with Andy again only for us both to blank. It’s a funny old game!


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