5lbs 15oz but no cigar
The following evening I returned to the swim to see what else I could catch. The process of pulting and trotting was made. The wind had changed direction and had increased in speed making presentation more challenging. I only had 2 hrs fishing time. To make thing much worse it was supposed to be dry however I caught a heavy shower which soaked everything . With the gusting wind too it blew my float into the river side willow branches. I lost 2 floats which was costly.
It was tough going to present the float correctly. Having said that I had one bite and one chub landed at 5lbs 15oz. No cigar moment and was it that number 13 of 6lbs plus fish hexing me?

I packed up earlier than the previous evening after losing another float and end tackle. The sunset was beautiful once more and made the wet journey through the meadow grass pleasant enough.